Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Chul fact ^^


Published 07/09/2010 by yeppopo

Kalian sebelumnya udah baca artikel fakta2 tentang member2 Suju kan??? Nah sekarang giliran fakta tentang Heechul chingu total ada 92 fakta, langsung baca aja neh karena belum pernah dipost sebelumnya ^o^

1. Heechul tidak menyukai gadis2 yang menunjukkan perut mereka.
2. Heechul sebelumnya pernah masuk kedalam ruangan khusus perempuan. Saat masih kecil, dia masuk kedalam toilet perempuan karena para laki2 mengusirnya dari toilet laki2. Mereka berfikir kalau dia adalah gadis dan gadis2 pun tidak mengetahui dan berfikir kalau dia juga salah satu dari mereka. . Saat itu Heechul sekali masuk ke toilet perempuan karena ingin mencuci tangannya. Dia masuk dengan gugup tapi tak ada satupun yang menyadari kalau dia bukanlah seorang perempuan. (hahaha… berarti Heechul dari kecil udah cantik ya )
3. Heechul pernah memiliki kucing Rusia berwarna biru pemberian dari fans yang bernama Yamchae, tapi kucing tersebut lari saat ia pergi.
4. kesan Donghae pertama kali terhadap heechul: heechul banyak bergerak dan tidak dapat diam. Tapi sekali dia mengenalnya, heechul itu orang yang snagat sopan.
5. Cerita Raja Singa: Dia dan pacarnya memutuskan untuk menonton sebuah film dirumah mereka. Tentu saja sang gadis ingin menonton film yang romantis tapi  Heechul ingin menonton Lion King jadi dia bilang ke pacarnya… “Okay, kamu nonton itu dan saya akan menonton ini…”. Jadi akhirnya mereka menonton Lion King. Saat mereka sedang menonton ini, Heechul benar2 berkonsentrasi, dia hanya diam. Tapi gadis itu menunjukkan beberapa hal menarik. Dia mencium Heechul…Heechul mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara “Ini adalah klimaks, Mufasa seperti itu… lalu tiba2 dia mencium saya, saya hanya menghapus air liur dan melanjutkan menonton…” Setelah menonton film, mereka putus padahal baru dua minggu berhubungan.
6. Dia suka untuk register tons di fansite/fanclubs nya (hanya Hee chul dan bukan Super Junior), meninggalkan pesan dan juga “mencuri” foto2 mereka dan mengirimnya ke  cyworld/twitter miliknya.
7. Heechul dan Jaejoong (DBSK) pernah sekali berebutan sebuah burger. Saat itu mereka masih pemula jadi mereka tidak memiliki banyak pendapatan. Selain itu dulu harga sebuah burger sangat mahal. Heechul sangat lapar tapi dikarenakan pekerjaan, dia meninggalkan burger tersebut di atas meja. Saat dia kembali setelah meneyelesaikan pekerjaan, burgernya telah hilang. Jaejoong meninggalkan sebuah catatan yang berisi meminta maaf pada pemilik burger. Dulu Jaejoong tidak memiliki Hp lalu Heechul mencarinya dimana2. Dalam sebuah acara mereka pertama kali tsecara terbuka membicarakan hal ini.
8. Heechul menghapus nomor2 yang tidak membalasnya.
Berikut buktinya:
LEeteuk : Heechul kami memang selalu seperti itu…
Guest : Oh, Benarkah?
LEeteuk : Jika seseorang tidak membalas smsnya, dia akan menghapus nomor orang tersebut dari hpnya. Saat tanya ke dia, “kenapa kamu menghapusnya?”, dia akan menjawab, “ kenapa tanya? kamu kan tidak membalas sms saya? – -^”
Guest : benarkah? Dia tidak menaruhnya kedalam blocked list, tapi langsung menghapusnya?
LEeteuk : Yes, langsung menghapus mereka.
Guest : Hapus? Orh!
Eeteuk : Jika kamu menelponnya kembali, dia akan bertanya, “ Ini siapa?”
Guest : Co’ itu menakutkan…

Ga berapa lama setelah percakapan tersebut, Heechul dan EuiChul.. keduanya adalah teman baik dan co-casts di RR, meninggalkan pesan di cyworld masing2.
EuiChul : HP saya sepertinya tidak bekerja dengan baik ..
Heechul : Sudahlah~ saya menghubungimu tapi kamu tidak membalas, jadi ya saya hapus nomormu.. haha ^ ^

9. Karena kepribadian Heechul yang sedikit sensitif, dia menggambar sebuah garis saat dia tidur di kasur. Jika orang lain melewati garisnya, mereka akan ditendang olehnya. Orang2 yang dapat tidur dengan Heechul adalah Kibum dan Typhoon (The Trax).
10. Yunho, pacarnya dan Heechul pernah sekali pergi ke toko perhiasan bersama2. Pelayannya berfikir kalau  Yunho dan Heechul adalah pasangan dan mereka merekomendasikan sepasang cincin pada mereka.
11. Banyak fans akan menyerbu ke Super Junior saat melihat mereka, tapi mereka tidak akan menyerbu ke  Heechul dan Kibum. Fans akan membiarkan mereka pergi karena Heechul itu menakutkan saat dia sedang marah.LOL.
12. Heechul akan menggunakan bahasa formal dengan gadis yang lebih muda dengannya.
13. Heechul pergi ke sebuat acara TV, membicarakan tentang pengalaman dibuang oleh seorang gadis yang dia suka selama dia debut. Gadis itu tidak mengatakan pada Heechul kalau dia telah memiliki seorang pacar. Saat Heechul sudah terlalu dalam jatuh cinta padanya, dia baru menceritakan tentang hal ini. Saat itu Heechul bilang padanya, “Jika kamu ada disampingnya, saya tidak akan kesepian. tapi jika kamu dalam masalah, ingatlah kalau saya akan selalu ada disana untukmu.” Gadis itu tidak memutuskan heechul ataupun pacarnya. Dia kencan dengan laki2 lain yang memintanya keluar setelah Heechul.
14. – Heechul Meow~ adalah tipe lidah kucing. Tidak dapat makan makanan panas. Dia pun akan menunggu sampai nasinya menjadi dingin.
15. Saat masih muda, ia pernah bekerja sebagai charcoal mover (seperti tukang memindahkan barang) di Restoran, perusahaan TV dan sebagai life saver.
16. Dia menyukai gadis2 yang terlihat bagus saat menggunakan rok dan memiliki kaki yang cantik.
17. Dia menjadi salah satu member dari grup “4 Seasons” bersama Kangin, Yunho, dan Jaejoong selama hari2 pelatihan. Dan Heechul adalah musim dinginnya. (hmmm……. member lainnya kebagian musim apa aja ya?!). Grup ‘4 Seasons’ dipimpin oleh Kangin meskipun dia yang tertua tapi karena perusahaan mengatakan grup akan bubar jika ia yang menjadi leadernya.
18. Dia mengikuti Donghae dan mengikutinya untuk berbicara secara informal karena dia berfikir kalauu Donghae itu cute.
19. Dia ikut audisi di SM Entertainment saat dia berusia 20 tahun dan dengan cepat ditolak.
20. Dia pernah menjadi perwakilan kelas untuk satu semester saat hari2 di SD.
21. Dengan anak2pun dia berbicara secara formal.
22. Dia tidak suka dibanding2kan dengan orang lain.
23. Dia benar2 murah hati pada oorang uang dekat dengannya.
24. Dia pernah diminta tetangganya (teman) untuk menjaga anak kedua kucingnya, Champagne, entah kenapa ia berhenti “meowing”.
25. Dia benci disuntik/jarum suntik dan pergi atau tinggal di rumah sakit.
26. Dia suka meniru orang
28. Dia mengajari Hankyung banyak hal tentang Korea, kata2 mengumpat dan sebagainya.

29. Dia mengubah pakaiannya dibawah selimut karena dia berfikir mungkin seseorang dpat melihatnya.
30. Dia sangat peduli dengan imagenya. Dia tidak ingin meskipun hanya berkedip di depan kamera.
31. Dia sangat percaya diri tapi dia dia dapat menjadi sopan saat dia membutuhkannya.

32. Dia suka memukul orang.
33. Dia adalah fanboy Sohee Wonder Girls, Dia tidak pernah berfikir Sohee sebagai kekasih tapi hanya sebagai seorang idola.

34. Dia suka bermain games komputer  (WoW, Aion, LineageII…) dan surfing the web.
35. Taemin SHINee berfikir kalau dia mirip heechul.
36. Dia tidak suka orang lain meminjam bajunya, karena itu kenapa dia mengubah wardrobenya menjadi cowboy hats, character shirts, dll.
37. Dia suka adik2 yang mengikutinya seperti Lee Hongki FTIsland.
38. Dia bilang kalau dia itu tampan, pintar dan bertalenta tapi tak ada seorangpun yang sempurna karena ddia mudah naik darah.
39. Dia peduli dengan banyak girl bands saat dia menjadi MC musik, karena girl bands saat itu jarang.
40. Dia benci orang yang mencuri makanannya.
41. Dia tidak dapat berdiam diri jika seseorang menyentuh rambutnya, Dia hanya membiarkan Jay Trax yang melakukan ini.
42. Dia suka merubah gaya dan warna rambutnya.
43. Sekali waktu dia pernah meninggalkan karena Hyuk mencuri telur dari fried rice kimchi nya.

44. Dia menjadi aneh/canggung dengan Hyuk karena Hyuk tidak mengembalikan kaosnya dan untuk beberpa alasan lainnya.
45. Dia melakukan ciuman di atas panggung hanya karena FANSERVICE.
46. Dia suka membaca HanChul fanfictions.
47. Dia bilang kalau dia tidak akan pernah melakukan operasi plastik  double-eyelid … karena dia telah memiliki double eyelid.
48. Dia suka posts gambar dirinya sebagai seorang wanita di Cyworld nya.
49. Dia tidak suka berkeringat. Saat di SD dia tidak pernah bermain sepak bola seperti laki2 normal pada umumnya.
50. Dia bermain dengan gadis2 saat SD.
51. Dia pernah bermain kerikil dengan gadis2 di SD.
52. Sekolah SDnya berada dipuncak gunung.
53. Dia mendapatkan ciuman pertamanya dari pacar pertamanya sebelum debut, saat mereka menonton The Lion King.
54. Dia tidak akan menunggun seseorang lebih dari 10 menit. Waktu dan ketepatan watu sangat penting baginya.
55. Heechul benar2 benci diberitahu tentang apa yang harus dilakukan. Dia hanya mendengarkan Donghae dan Taeyon.
56. Heechul hanya membiarkan Donghae dan U-know DBSK untuk berbicara informal dengannya.
57. Heechul memiliki masalah mata. Dia pernah menjalani operasi mata tahun 2007 setelah ia jatuh tertidur saat masih menggunakan contact lenses.
58. Heechul iitu takut dengan anak kecil.
59. Heechul suka lagu2 sedih. Dan dia dapat menari pada lagu2 tesebut.
60. Heechul tidak pernah membayar biaya Hpnya, dia mengirimnya pada orangtuanya.
61. Saat ditanya berapa banyak teman berharga yang ia miliki dia menjawab: yang terpenting itu bukan “berapa banya” melainkan “berapa dalam”.
62. Heechul tidak memiliki banyak pemikiran tentang segera menikah, Tapi dia mulai menginginkan segera menikah saat di 2009 dan juga memiliki 2 baby, seorang perempuan dan seorang lagi laki2, dan memanggil mereka Cherry (Kim Cherry). Sekarang dia hanya ingin membesarkan anak2 tanpa menikah, dia ingin menjadi jiwa yang bebas.
63. Heechul witu pintar dan menjadi yang teratas dikelasnya saat masih anak2.
64. Heechul tidak menyukai fakta tentang dia tumbuh/berkembang. Peter Pan complex.
65. Jika kamu dilahirkan kembali, Heechul menjawab: Saya ingin menjadi setangkai bunga yang mekar di tebing yang tinggi. Jadi tidak seorangpun yang dapat menyentuhnya..
66.”Tidak dapatkah kita mengatakan kalau Tuhan itu sangat adil? Saya memiliki tampang, otak dan pengetahuan juga, tentu saja saya tidak memiliki temperamen yang sangat bagus!” – Kim Heechul.
67. Saya terlihat seksi saat : “Saya memakai pajamas…begitu sexy”.
68. Heechul akan mudah terganggu oleh orang2 khususnya jika mereka tidak mendengarkannya.
69. “Sesuatu yang paling berharga di dunia adalah saya. karena jika di dunia tidak ada saya di dunia ini tidak akan bisa bekerja” – Heechul, narsistic heechul.
70. Heechul merasa Sohee benar2 cute. Dia pernah bergabung dengan fan cafenya.

71. Heechul pernah merokok dan minum lalu berhenti lalu memulai lagi tapi dia mulai dan berhenti dengan begitu mudah. Sekarang dia bisa minum dan mungkin merokok juga.
72. Heechul merasakan alkohol untuk pertama kalinya saat SMP. Dan ini diberikan oleh ayahnya.
73. Heechul mendengarkan kira2 4 lagu sebelum tidur.

74. Ciuman pertama Heechul saat berumur 22 tahun. (hmmm….)

75. Saat SNSD dan Super junior masih dalam masa2 pelatihan, jessica satu2nya yang cukup berani mendekati heechul. (berarti rumor mereka berdua betul donk ya?!)
76. Saat heechul memegang seorang gadis, dia akan benar2 gugup dan merasa seperti hatinya akan meledak.
77. dia suka coklat putih. Saat dia dalam pemulihan dari kecelakaan di asrama Suju, dia selalu mengatakan pada Hangeng untuk pergi keluar dan membawakannya beberapa coklat putih.
78. Dia suka menjadi/ berada didalam dunianya sendiri, dia tidak menyadari saat  Hangeng meninggalkan asrama selama beberapa hari sampai dia kembali lagi. Jika seseorang masuk kekamarnya dan berbicara dengannya dia tidak akan menyadari dan akan menjawab totally seperti “robot”.
79. Dia pernah kencan dengan banyak selebritis wanita dan tak satupun yang ia nyatakan di acara TV. Dia berpakaian seperti seorang gadis saat kencan dan tidak pernah tertangkap/ketahuan.
80. Dia suka pergi ke pusat spa karena dia suka pijat.
81. Dia menyatakan kalau istrinya di masa depan nanti harus cantik datn tau memasak dengan baik, memberikannya pijatan, bermain videogames, suka film horor dan tidak pergi ke clubs.
82. Dia benci pergi clubbing karena dia tidak tahu bagaimana nge-dance.
83. Dia tidak suka ketempat yang padat, karena itu dia selalu kencan di asrama Suju atau salah satu teman.
84. Dia itu childish, dapat dengan mudah cemburu dan moodnya dapat berubah dengan cepat. Dapat benar2 bahagia dan sesaat setelahnya akan emosional ataupun marah.
85. Dia suka minum sendirian di kamarnya dan melihat ke bulan membuatnya berfikir tentang sesuatu yang dalam.
86. Dia memilih rock, gothic dan metal daripada pop.
87. Dia bermain piano, drums dan sedikit harmonica.
88. Miyavi pernah sekali mengundangnya di salah satu konsernya karena mereka begitu mirip dan fakta itu membuatnya lucu.
89. Dia suka bercanda dengan berbicara dlam bahasa inggris yang aneh tapi kenyataanya kalau dia benar2 tau mengenai bahasa inggris. Dia menyatakannya beberapa kali di  Youngstreet, Band of Brothers, Quiz Prince adan juga di Champagne.
Dia belajar Computer Data Analyst & also a minor dalam bahasa inggris.
Dia sekali mengatakan di Youngstreet (berbicara tentang dirinya belajar b.inggris): “”Hanya karena seseorang jurusan sesuatu tidak berarti mereka bagu dalam hal ini”
Fullhouse “weird english”–> 2006
Jurusan dalam english & computers–> 2008

90. He formed a goup after him (Hee-line) called “Chocoball”, dimana tipe darah semua member2nya AB ..
91. Dia hampir menyelesaikan pekerjaan sebagai seorang model tangan sebelumm debut..
92. Ibunya pemilik toko wine.

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

I'm just promote ☺

anyyeonghaseyo ELF,,  i'm just promoting :D
If u are an Indonesian ELF, please follow @ELF_SUJU_INA
In that fanbase, it has 2 admin they're me and my friend
I'm as min G and my friend as min V
If u are an Indonesian ELF, please follow @ELF_SUJU_INA
their will share a lot of fact,picture, etc. So, if u have a twitter go follow it :) 
please always follow it :)
Gomawo ELF! ^^~~~

SuJu quote

““Donghae has his own charm -  he gives you a comfortable feeling that you can’t dislike. That’s why everyone loves him”~Leeteuk”“People who are supporting me while attacking others, I don’t think of them as one of my fans.”
~Kim Heechul~

yesung fact

“Yesung is a very hard working person. When Super Junior is in the process of recording for their new  albums, Yesung is always the first to arrive at the studio and the last to leave.”“Once Yesung was bullying Donghae so Donghae called Yesung’s mother and told on him.”“Whenever Super Junior is on a tour, Yesung always borrows the master key for Super Junior’s hotel rooms from their manager. Yesung visits every member’s rooms when they’re asleep. He stays in each room for up to 20 minutes!”“Yesung always forgets to take his towel into the bathroom when he is showering. He never asks anyone to get them for him. Instead, he goes out to get them himself, without wearing any clothes.”“Yesung is very stingy. Whenever someone borrows something from him, he always records it in his notebook.” “Eunhyuk said that Yesung is very good at multitasking. Yesung often lies on his bed with a comic book in one hand while playing games with his other hand, listening to music using earphones, with the DVD player on.”“The 3 people that Kyuhyun likes to bully the most is Ryeowook, Yesung, and Kangin.”“On Yesung’s birthday, his parents came to the broadcast station. But they had come to see Shin Hyesung (Shinhwa)’s comeback stage, not their son.”“Once Yesung saw that no one was recognizing him on the streets, so he called Kangin, literally screaming into his phone. “Oh, hey, KANGIN!””“Yesung and a child was in an elevator together. Yesung asked him what singer he liked. “Super Junior,” the child replied. “Who in Super Junior is your favorite?” “Yesung.” Yesung was about to give him his autograph when the kid asked, “so who are you by the way?””“A little kid who lived in Super Junior’s neighborhood saw Yesung walking into his dorm and kindly told him, “Hey, you know that Super Junior lives there, right?””“Yesung doesn’t know the gender of his pet turtles. And he almost killed them when he tried to make them swim because they are land turtles.”“When Super Junior were still newbies, there were times when Yesung didn’t know his way back to their dorms.”“Donghae and Yesung are the most ticklish members of Super Junior.”“Recently, quite a lot of Super Junior members joined the variety show “We Got Married”. People asked Yesung why he didn’t join the variety show with the other members, and he said that he had to take care of his family at home (which was his turtles).”“Yesung dyed his hair while he was in high school and because he didn’t want to get caught, he wore a helmet to school. When his teacher asked him to take it off , he said “I can’t, my head is too big””“Yesung’s hands are smaller than everyone in SNSD and F(X).”“Before Super Junior released their 4th album (Bonamana), Yesung begged Eunhyuk to gave him a chance to be one of main dancers.”“Yesung once cried in a radio station because he thought he had no fans.”“Yesung recently donated his very first pet, Turtle Ddangkkoma, because he says that Ddangkkoma’s all grown up.”

teuk fact

“Leeteuk once said that Donghae and Kibum were the two children that he trusts the most.”“Leeteuk has only been to a nightclub once in his life.”“Leeteuk gets upset easily whenever there are negative news about Super Junior. He usually shows this through his Twitter.”The Top 3 income earners in Super Junior:
1. Leeteuk
2. Heechul
3. Shindong“Ryeowook once had to wait outside Leeteuk’s room until 5am for Leeteuk to forgive him. Leeteuk was mad at Ryeowook because Ryeowook spoke to him informally. But then Leeteuk said he just had a bad day, that’s why he was so sensitive.”““Donghae has his own charm -  he gives you a comfortable feeling that you can’t dislike. That’s why everyone loves him”~Leeteuk”“Donghae likes to use Leeteuk’s cellphone to take pictures of himself and then set it as Leeteuk’s wallpaper.”“Once Leeteuk forgot the name of the friend that he was calling, so he asked his friend’s mom “Can I  speak to the son of this house?””“Leeteuk was an Ice Cream salesman before he became a member of Super Junior.”

이동해 Fact

이동해 Fact

✿ Donghae loves being called a Prince 
✿ Donghae is an “Apple Boy”. He has macbook, 2 iPads, iPhone, iTouch, and iPod classic.

✿ Donghae is the only person who knows Heechul’s mailbox password  
✿ When Donghae sits for too long, he’ll unknowingly use his arm to hug his right leg
✿ Hae once promised his father that under any circumstances, he will not drink alcohol
✿ The best place Donghae likes to keep his savings in, is the water dispenser bottle
✿ Donghae’s car plate number : 26 13xx
✿ Donghae is very close to other members’ parents. He’d call the members’ parents and talkabout the activities they did on that day. 
✿ Donghae’s mother’s name is kim hyang suk
✿ Donghae keeps a picture of him and Hyukjae’s mom in his wallet
✿ He likes hat so much, he’ll always wear it, believing that his hair and his hat should always be together
✿ Donghae is the favorite Hyung of SHINee’s Minho
✿ Donghae’s favourite foods are chicken doritang, kimchi, seafood & pokapoka chip cookies
✿ Donghae often has trouble sleeping and sleeps very late at night, which is bad for his health! 
✿ Donghae dream girl height is 167 cm 
✿ Donghae really loves to watch Song Hye Gyo’s movies and dramas
✿ Never get sick / Don’t be sick” is Donghae favorite words~ 
✿ Donghae doesn’t have girl friend, no drink alcohol and no play games
✿ Donghae’s ideal girl: Likes girl with silky hair
✿ Donghae is the only person who knows Heechul’s mailbox password  
✿ Donghae love to learn English from movies, but his English is still…LOL~

✿ Donghae likes skinship, same as Siwon~ they love touching
✿ Donghae: “For Bonamana concept, it show our masculinity, manly, and sexiness. Am I sexy? ㅋㅋㅋ.”
✿ Donghae is scared of darkness. So he never turn the light off if he sleeps 
✿ Donghae is easy to cry. Moreover if someone talks about his father, or if he calls his family 
✿ Before he debuted, he was afraid of taking the aeroplane, so he never went to any of the 3 school trip to Jeju during high school 
✿ it was Donghae’s birthday when they filmed the music video of Marry U  
✿ Donghae wants to name his son/daughter Bada 
✿ When Donghae was child, he was so naughty.He loved to press his neighbour’s bell, then ran away. 

✿ Donghae loves his father so much that he cried when got the first award and said, “This is for you, Dad
✿ Donghae wants his future wife to wake him up with a sweet kiss and make him some sandwiches
✿ Donghae made his twitter account @donghae861015 last 04-08-10. 
✿ He always wear a silver bracelet which given by his mother.
✿ What he thinks of E.L.F: “I love them because they care for me & support.”
✿ Donghae’s favorite fruits are tangerine, kiwi and strawberry.
✿ Donghae wants to get married at the age of 32
✿ He loves the colour blue and black.
✿ He loves music. He also asked Sungmin, Ryeowook and siwon to teach him to play piano, gitar and drum.
✿ Donghae said that he hates celebrating birthday
Donghae won first place on the 3rd SM Youth Best Selection Best Outward Appearance in 2001

Donghae facts

Donghae Fact

Donghae Fact
  1. Donghae left a message for Eunhyuk that says “Hyukjae, I love you~ ***replies “Stop harbouring such a one-sided love.”
  2. Before the bungee-jump, *** screamed “Let’s break up, Donghae!”Donghae replied, “Come down, I’ll hit you!”
  3. Someone mentioned “I didn’t manage to sleep because of the mosquito. Hyung, teach that mosquito a lesson.” Donghae replied, “Give me that mosquito’s full name and address, I’ll teach him a lesson.”
  4. Believes he, himself, is the most popular member among SJ.
  5. He likes a particular sort of hat so much that regardless of whether he sleeps, washes his face or brushes his teeth, he’ll always wear it, believing that his hair and his hat should always be together.
  6. On his birthday, Donghae gave 茄子[Qie zi]* and 特妈[Te ma]* presents, he gave Qie zi a pair of pants but the measurements were wrong, hence Donghae told Qie zi, “Hyung, you may not be able to fit into the pants, exchange it with someone else then~”
  7. When it was time for Donghae to do the dishes, he’ll say “Hyung, let’s play a game(to decide who does the dishes).” In the end, Hangeng loses and he cried pitifully, “I was also the one who cooked the meals!”
  8. In a kitchen where 10 people shares, Donghae sticks his own photographs everywhere, yet he never does the cooking.
  9. In his younger days, Donghae would press the doorbell of his neighbours everyday after school, and then run off, until one day he was caught and got beaten up.
  10. In his younger days, everytime the kids plays a game, whoever is placed in the same group as Donghae would definitely lose.
  11. I believe it refers to Eunhyuk, partly because of the strong Eunhae bond but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I’m not too familiar with the various nicknames the Chinese ELFs give the boys. ><
  12. I did some research and I believe 茄子(meaning “Eggplant”) refers to Kangin, while 特妈(meaning “Mother Teuk”) refers to Leeteuk. Once again, feel free to correct me. ><
  13. When he was in primary school, he was the school’s tallest student, nicknamed “Lee Tall Person”, but after primary school he never grew(in height) anymore, yet his dream girl’s height was 167cm.
  14. When Donghae was 21 years old, he was already thinking being being a father and he said he’ll name his children “Lee Tian Kong” (Lee Sky), “Lee Hai Yang” (Lee Ocean), “Lee Yun Duo” (Lee Cloud)…
  15. Donghae liked to store his money in a bucket (sort of like use it as a piggy bank)
  16. When the MC asks “How do you two address your loved ones?”
  17. Kangin said “宝贝” (read “Baobei”, meaning “Darling”) Donghae then blurted out, “Hyung calls all the girls ‘Baobei’.” Then the MC asks “What about you, Donghae?” Donghae replied “海他妈” (read “Hai Ta Ma”, sorry but I don’t know what it means) Kangin then said “Donghae’s dog is also called 海(Hai)”
  18. 15 After he bought Bada home, he got another dog called 九尾狐 (read “Jiu Wei Hu”, meaning “Nine-tailed fox”), people thought it was because he liked watching Naruto, yet our Donghae said “His sirname is 九(read ‘Jiu’, meaning ‘Nine’).”
  19. Ryeowook got upset and said “Hyung, why are you like that? I’m already sleeping, I’m not cooking.” Donghae with innocent expression, “Why not? You said you’ll cook anytime, so I woke you up, didn’t you say that before? Well then, I won’t wake you up anymore in the future.”
  20. Ryeowook then said, “Alright, I’ll cook for Hyung.” 17 On a particular day, Donghae rung a particular member up and said “I forgot to bring my cell phone, I’m going up to get it.”
  21. Lee Donghae likes Song Hye Kyo a lot, he’ll watch her dramas repeatedly on television and if the Princess (Heechul) wanted to switch channels, he’ll shout “Hey! Kim Heechul!”, and switch the channel back.
  22. Lee Donghae said that if he had a girl whom he liked, he’ll definitely go forward to confess his love “If possible, let’s do according to what I’ve said, if you think it’s a burden, I’ll stay away.”
  23. When Donghae was about to take a high school examination, Princess (Heechul) got up early to cook eggs for him (for breakfast)
  24. Little 13 (Kyuhyun) said “I feel honoured to know Donghae Hyung, but when I’m with him, I feel like I’m more like the hyung.”
  25. When Kibum came back to Korea, Donghae was the first one to hug him
  26. In his younger days, Donghae would be at the balcony, throwing coins at the cars downstairs
  27. When Donghae sits for too long, he’ll unknowingly use his arm to hug his right leg
  28. Lee Donghae likes kids a lot and when he sees any, he’ll want to protect them
  29. “Aiden” is an English name Donghae gave himself
  30. He really hates the color pink, because Rabbit (Sungmin) who lives with him, loves pink a lot and he just couldn’t stand it. However since Rabbit’s the Hyung, he can’t do anything. Donghae said, “I really can’t stand it, he’s so old already yet he still acts cute, always aegyo with his mother(on the phone?) and it wakes me up.” The MC asks, “Then, didn’t you say anything?” Donghae replies, “He’s the Hyung so I can’t do anything, I just got up and left the room.” The MC then asks, “What if he’s the dongsaeng? Would you kick him?” Donghae replies, “Huh? I still won’t kick him.”
  31. Donghae is afraid to be alone, when he eats, he needs someone to accompany him, or else he refuses to eat.
  32. He doesn’t understand why when he autographs for someone, that person will thank him, he feels he should be the one thanking, thanks to all who loves SJ
  33. He thinks “Donghae” isn’t his name, yet he still writes his name as “Donghae”
  34. wook had said once that he’ll always cook for his hyungs anytime. Thus, Donghae came back at midnight after his SM training, and he woke up the sleeping Ryeowook and said “Wake up and cook for me.”